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Asian Buildings Climate Impact Analysis



Project Type:

Environmental & Regulatory



Key Takeaways

Billions By 2030

China faces a $20 billion challenge by 2030 to upgrade cooling systems in public buildings due to rising temperatures and climate change.

$500 Million For South Korean Housing

Rising temperatures are resulting in a need for redesign and cooling in South Korean housing.

Peak Temperatures Raise Concerns

In certain areas, the current generation capabilities may not be sufficient to meet the energy demand.

About the Project

Assessing Climate Change Impact on Asian Housing

The large investment in housing in many Asian countries over the last several decades requires governments to anticipate costs, as this housing stock begins to age. Increasing temperatures and severe precipitation events are increasing the likelihood that existing housing designs may be insufficient for the changing conditions. The climate analysis was undertaken to project national costs in the housing sector.

Resilient Analytics was the lead consultant in this effort to determine the economic costs of climate change in the building sector in South Korea, Japan, Mongolia and China. The team focused on residential structures as a primary risk for long-term costs. The team collaborated with economists from Asian Development Bank to develop cost estimates at both national and urban levels.

Resilient Analytics expanded its building sector impact models to reflect local conditions in each country, as well as the difference in building material usage in urban and rural areas. The models allowed Resilient Analytics to provide input to the economic modelers regarding the potential need to reinvest in housing infrastructure sooner than anticipated. Costing was localized to reflect different economic conditions.



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