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Central Water Plant Master Plan



Project Type:

Planning & Consulting



About the Project

Master Plan Shows Water Treatment Campus a Vision of the Future

A large Midwestern city chose Stanley Consultants to design a new master plan for its water campus that would improve functionality, efficiency, resiliency and make it more attractive to employees and the visiting public. The plan, with a construction value estimated at $35 million, called for new buildings and improvements to older facilities, a redesigned main entrance with improved security, improved mobility and drainage. It recommended adding green infrastructure best practices, such as building energy audits, water-filtering bioswales, electric vehicle charging stations and bicycle storage. Stanley Consultants led a series of 12 visioning workshops to provide mutual understanding of challenges and opportunities and to share ideas about the future of the campus.

By The Numbers

  • $35

    Million Dollars, Construction Value


Strategic Planning & Consulting

At Stanley Consultants, we understand that planning and consulting include every aspect of engineering. We use the best tools available to create designs and master plans built for longevity, resiliency, and sustainability.

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