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Engineering Planning & Consulting Services

At Stanley Consultants, we understand that planning and consulting include every aspect of engineering. We use the best tools available to create designs and master plans built for longevity, resiliency, and sustainability.

Strategic Planning Consulting

Our Approach

Planning & Consulting for a Better World

Our approach to planning and consulting keeps the future at the forefront. As the world grows smarter, it calls for more information, more planning and more consideration before building. Whether that’s innovative digital energy systems or transportation consulting for smart traffic systems during urban planning, resiliency and environmental planning are essential to every project. Utilizing tools like data mining, 3D/4D visualization, virtual reality and geospatial mapping, we are able to increase productivity and reduce project costs.

Learn More About Stanley

Engineering Planning & Consulting Services

Advisory & Development Services

Our expert team has been trusted by countless clients to help advise and develop sustainable energy solutions built to withstand the test of time.

Geospatial & Surveying Services

Using the latest technologies, we collect advanced data and imagery of the project environment to solve unique challenges and optimize solutions for clients.

Infrastructure Consulting

We understand the challenges related to designing and implementing infrastructure, and have helped countless clients achieve outstanding performance.

Resiliency & Sustainability

Modern engineering solutions mean planning for the demands of the future. We put a priority on resiliency and sustainability, creating long-term value for clients and communities.

Risk Management Planning

Every project comes with risk, and our team will help identify responses and processes to mitigate potential risks before they occur.

Transportation Master Planning

Our transportation master planning helps clients develop a cohesive, efficient infrastructure that improves the quality of life in our communities.


Planning & Consulting for Longevity and Resiliency

At Stanley Consultants, we approach every project with a focus on the future. We look toward innovative solutions that can meet the evolving needs of both the clients and communities we serve. Resiliency and environmental planning remain at the core of every project and program we undertake. By taking these steps now, we can build a more sustainable future for everyone. Discover more about what makes Stanley Consultants different from other planning and consulting firms.

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