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How Resilient Analytics is Fighting Climate Change on Every Continent – Part I: Major Contributors

March 8, 2024

World Map

Climate change is a global challenge without borders, but its impacts are felt differently worldwide. At Resilient Analytics, a Stanley Consultants company, we are at the forefront of the battle against this ever-looming challenge. Our monumental mission spans all seven continents, and through our work, we’re showcasing our deep commitment to addressing this critical global issue.

Our expertise in climate risk analytics, resilience and sustainability has positioned us to understand the gravity of the challenges and provide actionable solutions to the seen and unseen effects of climate change worldwide. This responsibility drives us as we serve our communities and use our resources to create a more resilient future for all.

Resilient Analytics and Climate Risk Solutions in Major Contributor Regions

Globally, our approach at Resilient Analytics goes beyond traditional strategies, focusing on innovative and economically viable climate science solutions tailored for the significant challenges faced by North America, Asia and Europe. In these regions, our efforts are directed towards mitigating high carbon emissions and adapting to the rapid industrial and urban development that contributes heavily to global climate change.

Our projects demonstrate a deep knowledge of each continent's varied climate challenges with proven predictability. Though the problems faced in each location may differ, the end goals remain the same — to provide real solutions that modernize outdated infrastructure and assist communities in becoming more climate resilient.

Discovering the True Costs of Climate Change in North America

The Cost of Climate Change

  • $15 billion in unbudgeted costs

  • $300-$500 million in additional costs for urban areas over the next two decades

  • Increased public health risks from extreme heat, mosquitos and ticks

The Challenge

The Pennsylvania Cost of Climate Change Study aimed to assess the costs of adapting infrastructure, public health, ecology and land planning to climate impacts on more than 2,500 municipalities in the commonwealth. As lead consultant, we were tasked with developing cost functions for ten sectors across multiple Pennsylvania timeframes and scenarios reflecting the state's diverse conditions.

The Solution

To help Pennsylvania and its municipalities budget and plan for these impacts, we delivered localized cost analyses enabling all government levels to evaluate climate adaptation needs. By quantifying expected economic impacts, our sector-specific cost functions equip policymakers to develop programs that boost climate resiliency while minimizing financial risks.

Uncovering Impacts of Climate Change on Buildings in Asia

The Cost of Climate Change

  • $20 billion in upgrade costs for public buildings in China

  • $500 million for building redesign and cooling in South Korea

  • Potential energy generation shortfalls due to increased demand

The Challenge

The Asian Buildings Climate Impact Analysis sought to determine the economic costs of climate change on housing and public infrastructure across four Asian countries. As lead consultant, we focused on quantifying impacts on residential buildings, as they pose significant long-term risks to climate and community. We collaborated with economists from the Asian Development Bank to develop national and urban cost estimates for China, Japan, Mongolia and South Korea.

The Solution

To help these countries budget and plan for building sector climate impacts, we delivered granular cost analyses quantifying infrastructure re-investment needs. Our expanded impact models equipped policymakers to evaluate climate adaptation trade-offs across both new and existing assets. By projecting cost curves over long time horizons, we support proactive resilience planning further into the future.

Solving Temperature Challenges for Homes in Europe

The Cost of Climate Change

  • Rising temperatures imperil housing designed for previous centuries

  • Temperatures are exceeding comfort thresholds in all properties, including recent construction

  • Inadequate infrastructure for increased energy needs

The Challenge

The Welsh Social Housing Climate Analysis was designed to analyze housing temperature risks across building types and counties. Our team worked to estimate retrofit costs for high-risk and historic structures across Wales. 

The Solution

We developed parameterized indoor comfort models based on temperature projections and housing stock materials to identify risk thresholds by era. Applying these Welsh-specific equations geospatially, we evaluated county and building variability. By evaluating indoor climate exposure, our material-specific modeling targets the most vulnerable housing stocks to guide upgrading. Our approach aims to equip officials to adapt the Wales historic building portfolio for unprecedented warming cost-effectively.

Looking Ahead to Vulnerable Regions and New Frontiers

Our campaign to combat climate change doesn't end with North America and Europe. In our next article on this topic, we'll explore how we're extending our expertise to other regions vulnerable to climate change, including the critical work being done in South America, Africa, Australia and even the remote expanses of Antarctica. Each of these areas face their own unique challenges, requiring the innovative solutions and proactive measures Resilient Analytics is known for.

Join us as we continue our mission of bringing resilience and sustainability to every corner of the globe. You can also contact our team of experts for tailored solutions for your next project.

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