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Real Estate Vulnerability Studies



Project Type:

Environmental & Regulatory


United States

Key Takeaways

Assets Face Future Risk

Real estate properties are at risk of devaluation due to escalating climate challenges, which increase the value at risk.

Coastal Properties Losing Value

Storm surge, sea level rise and sunny-day flooding are rapidly impacting the value of coastal property.

Risk Management and Property Value

The variation in climate models creates a challenge for property owners to determine adaptation measures.

About the Project

Identifying climate risks for real estate portfolios

Individual real estate portfolios are increasingly vulnerable to changing climate conditions. These portfolios must be analyzed to determine if individual investments are threatened by climate change. The goal of these analyses was to thoroughly examine the vulnerabilities of these properties and deliver a risk assessment indicating the level of threat each property faces.

Resilient Analytics was the climate consultant in these efforts to determine the climate risk due to changes in multiple climate conditions. The team was tasked with completing a detailed vulnerability analysis, including impacts on physical conditions and energy demand. The analyses considered local conditions to determine the appropriate changes of concern for each property.

The Resilient Analytics team developed a quantitative risk report to provide detailed risk profiles across multiple scenarios and multiple time frames. The team introduced the concept of model alignment to compensate for the absence of probability in climate models. The combination of alignment and severity of impact provided a level of criticality for each property within the overall portfolios.



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