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Water Utility Temperature Impact Study


Confidential Water Utility

Project Type:

Environmental & Regulatory


United States

Key Takeaways

Temperatures Impacting Equipment

Increasing temperatures are reducing the lifespan of electronics, including critical control systems.

Worker Safety an Increasing Concern

Worker safety is a mounting concern as exposure to heat increases the likelihood of accidents and sick days.

Extreme Temperatures Higher Than Expected

Planning temperatures are not meeting future projections as temperatures continue to increase across the country.

About the Project

Climate Change Impacts on Water Utilities

Water utilities are facing climate change impacts on multiple fronts including impacts of temperature on water treatment processes, impacts of severe weather on the plants themselves, and temperature impacts on worker safety and equipment life. The objective of this study was to determine the extent of these issues across multiple geographic areas and multiple climate scenarios.

Resilient Analytics was the consultant in this effort tasked with determining the risk to utilities in five geographic regions. The team was focused on impacts from rising temperatures to both worker safety and critical equipment. Costs associated with increased risk of accidents as well as increased breaks were determined for workers. Equipment degradation due to heat provided the technical focus.

Resilient Analytics developed new functionality to analyze equipment degradation in unconditioned spaces to reflect conditions within utility plants. The team also expanded health impacts by developing costs associated with increased accident risk due to extreme heat. The team developed localized functions to reflect the differences between climate zones and projected temperature increases.


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Environmental & Regulatory

At Stanley Consultants, our talented team of scientists and engineers is focused on helping clients adapt to evolving regulations and finding solutions to protect the changing environment.

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