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Alaskan Infrastructure Impact Study



Project Type:

Environmental & Regulatory



Key Takeaways

Permafrost Thawing Is Expanding

Increasing temperatures are causing permafrost thawing across Alaska.

Adaptation Is Expensive

Implementing adaptation measures to mitigate permafrost thaw and address ground conditions incurs significant costs.

Building Foundations Are Failing

Foundations are weakening due to lack of support caused by permafrost thawing.

About the Project

Analyzing Alaska's Infrastructure Adaptation to Climate Challenges

The cost of adapting infrastructure to climate challenges across Alaska requires an in-depth analysis throughout the diverse conditions in the state. In Alaska, this diversity includes coastal, mountain, extreme cold and urban locations. This diversity brings challenges in terms of adaptation priorities, return-on-investment and long-term planning.

Resilient Analytics was the infrastructure consultant in this effort tasked with developing the adaptation costs for buildings, roads, rail and bridges across the country. Resilient Analytics was brought into this specific role based on its experience in performing such analyses including large portfolio evaluations, the experience with infrastructure engineering and the transparent approach to the solution.

Resilient Analytics leveraged its existing functions to address the diverse scenarios in Alaska. The effort included the introduction of new cold weather impact functions to analyze permafrost thaw. The team worked with leading permafrost researchers to develop adaptation options and cost estimates for infrastructure built on permafrost of different types.



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