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National Bridge Impact Study



Project Type:

Environmental & Regulatory


United States

Key Takeaways

Precipitation Increasing Risk

Intensified precipitation is causing more severe scouring, posing a heightened risk to bridges.

Thousands of Bridges at Risk

More than 100,000 bridges need further analysis to identify the necessary defensive measures.

Millions for Critical Bridges

A multi-million dollar investment is required for critical bridges across the country in the next decade.

About the Project

Evaluating climate impact on US bridges

The state of bridges in the United States is becoming increasingly concerning as the functional age of many bridges is exceeding the original design life. Anticipating changing environmental conditions due to climate challenges, the Environmental Protection Agency established a research objective to analyze the potential impacts across more than 500,000 bridges in the National Bridge Inventory.

Resilient Analytics served as the lead consultant in assessing the national risk to bridges caused by increased water flow rates in waterways. The team was tasked with delivering adaptation costs for each bridge that crossed a waterway (approximately 250,000 bridges) based on condition and climate challenges. The team integrated structural, hydraulic and construction engineers to develop a final solution. Resilient Analytics developed new analysis functions to rapidly analyze bridge threats including structure, stream soil type and increased flow rates.

In an unprecedented capacity, Resilient Analytics modeled each bridge to determine the level of potential threat, cost of adaptation and timeframe for the required adaptations. Final results were aggregated into regional summaries for national planning.



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